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1.1: uix.Panel Go back up one level

Arrange a single element inside a standard panel

obj = uix.Panel( )
creates a standard uipanel object but with automatic management of the contained widget or layout. The properties available are largely the same as the builtin uipanel object. Where more than one child is added, the currently visible child is determined using the Selection property.
obj = uix.Panel( prop, value, ... )
also sets one or more property values.

uix.Panel properties

BackgroundColor colorspecColor to use for exposed areas of the layout background. This can be an RGB triple (e.g. [0 0 1]) or a colour name (e.g. 'b').
BeingDeleted on | offDeletion status.
BorderType none | etchedin | etchedout | beveledin | beveledout | lineType of border around the uipanel area.
BorderWidth positive integerWidth of the panel border.
Contents empty GraphicsPlaceholder array | array of graphics objectsChildren within this layout, regardless of HandleVisibility. Note that this can only be set to permutations of itself.
DeleteFcn function_handleFunction to call when the layout is being deleted.
FontAngle normal | italic | obliqueTitle font angle.
FontName stringTitle font name (e.g. Arial, Helvetica etc).
FontSize positive integerTitle font size.
FontUnits inches | centimeters | normalized | points | pixelsTitle font units for measuring size.
FontWeight light | normal | demi | boldTitle font weight.
ForegroundColor colorspecTitle font color and/or color of 2-D border line.
HighlightColor colorspec3-D frame highlight color.
Padding positive integerNumber of pixels of extra space around the outside of the layout.
Parent empty GraphicsPlaceholder array | figure | containerParent of the layout.
Position [x y w h]Position (x,y) and size (w,h) within figure or container.
Selection positive integer or emptyWhich child is visible.
ShadowColor colorspec3-D frame shadow color.
Tag stringTag to associate with layout.
Title stringTitle string.
TitlePosition lefttop | centertop | righttop | leftbottom | centerbottom | rightbottomLocation of title string in relation to the panel.
Type stringType of graphics object.
Units inches | centimeters | normalized | points | pixels | charactersPosition units.
Visible on | offVisibility.

For example:

f = figure();
p = uix.Panel( 'Parent', f, 'Title', 'A Panel', 'Padding', 5 );
uicontrol( 'Parent', p, 'Background', 'r' )

f = figure();
p = uix.Panel( 'Parent', f, 'Title', 'A Panel', 'TitlePosition', 'CenterTop');
b = uix.HBox( 'Parent', p, 'Spacing', 5, 'Padding', 5  );
uicontrol( 'Style', 'listbox', 'Parent', b, 'String', {'Item 1','Item 2'} );
uicontrol( 'Parent', b, 'Background', 'b' );
set( b, 'Widths', [100 -1] );

See also:
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